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Writer's picture: Nitya Nitya

Dear Reader,

When we open a book, we are reading the imprint an author has left in our world through story. When we read those stories that change us, we keep them alive by carrying them with us and spreading them to others who can also learn from them.

I am Nitya; a book nerd, an aspiring author, and a dreamer. I am a teenager who is way too optimistic for her own good, and am obsessed with fantasy and sci-fi. I am a writer who is struggling to write a novel and is always fangirling about Harry Potter.

I hope through this blog, I can share my experiences and things I've learned while writing, help someone become a better writer, and symply share my love for reading with those around me. Afterall, as J. K. Rowling says:

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it." - J. K. Rowling

When I am not writing, you can find me obsessing over Star Wars, bingeing booktube, watching Suits, scrolling through Pottermore, freaking out over everything, or imagining an alternate universe which most often includes swords and magic!

I hope you find this blog useful and entertaining!




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