Current Projects
These are the pieces that I am working on in my writing career.
Stories on the Gopuram Short Story Collection
In Chitruru, villagers get on with their day until magical happenstances — giant water serpents, cursed weddings, pregnant men — uproot the social norms. A couple struggles with their marriage when a giant water serpent poisons the water. A newcomer to the town moves into a strange house, only to find the floor sometimes turns into lotus-filled water puddles. A man, who cannot seem to fall in love, wishes for a child and has to carry one instead…
The collection focuses on the domestic lives of individuals and explores how each person; whether a restaurant owner, the city chief, or the apothecary; reacts to strange events—mundane or magical. The collection explores themes of gender, identity, societal expectations, and the longing to belong.
With inspiration from popular Hindu Myths, such as Krishna fighting the Kaliya, or Jarasandha born from the two halves of a split apple, the collection tells the stories of people often left out of Hindu mythology: rebellious, heroic women; people in the LGBTQIA+ community; and ordinary individuals who take on divine challenges.

World Of KOI
The world-- temporarily titled KOI after my first failed attempt at a novel, Kingdom(e) of Irdris-- is a project where I build a world as a backdrop for my future novels. The world, so far, includes four (five if you count the island) continents, five parelel worlds, and one history. It takes inspiration from real world civilizations and diverges from the Tolkienesque fantasy world.
Future Projects in the world of KOI:
Magic Shop at the End of the World: Siblings reconnect on the last days before the world ends. Inspired by the story of Kalki from Hindu Mythology.
Young Adult/ Adult​
Accadamy's Essay: A satiristic take on college admissions, through the lense of a protagonist who goes traveling because she needs a story fro her college essay.
Young Adult​
Grieveing Goddess: An eternal being travles through space with the soul purpose of grieving those who have passed, when she runs into a girl who romanticizes the past in an attempt to understand her cultural history.
Invisable Life of Addie Larue meets The Night Circus
Magic Shop at the End of the World
They Both Die at the End meets Star-Touched Queen in this epic end-of-the-world journey. Kavya and Nehal grew up with stories that the world was going to end. As children, they would spend hours pretending they were on a quest to save the world from the destruction. As time passed, the siblings grow apart after Kavya leaves the household without a word of safety, explanation, or contact, leaving Nehal wondering.
Years later, seven days before the predicted end of the world, Kavya returns to Nehal’s magic shop with no warning. The siblings reunite on a quest to stop the end of the world. By doing so, they reconnect the friendship they once had, explore what it means to love, reconcile with the inevitable destruction, and reconnect with family and shared past while running the magic shop together.
Shorter Works
Contrapuntal Poem
Explores the separation between assimilating and holding onto cultural practices.
The Limit of the Universe
Flash Fiction inspired by Calculus
Explores the existential questions of death, the meaning of life, and solving for answers that don't exist.
Purple Rice
Creative Nonfiction Braided Essay
Explores the spans of friendships by relating it to spoiled rice.