A little opening for a character...
Nitya's Novel Nook
Welcome to my writing space!
I'm Nitya, a third-year BFA creative writing student who primarily writes Queer and Indian Inspired fantasy. Stick around for my musings!
Current Projects
A Collection of short stories inspired by stories from Hindu Mythology
WORLD OF KOI (Working Title)
My world Building escapade that includes four (or five depending on your place, parallel worlds, and history from creation to destruction
Will be used as a backdrop for future novels
As It Rains (Flash Speculative Fiction)
Houses (Contrapuntal Poem)
The Limit of the Universe (Flash Fiction inspired by Calculus)
Purple Rice (Braided Essay)
Nitya Budamagunta(she/he) is a second-year BFA Creative Writing Student at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She is a finalist for NC States Dorianne Laux Poetry Prize, and is the editor-in-chief for Atlantis Creative magazine. Aside from writing, she can be found reading, painting a deck of cards, and or making earrings.