So... About a week ago, my friend over at Tuesday Writes (go check out their blog and Insta. They are the coolest!) sent me this:

So as any sane person, instead of doing homework as I should, speed typed a like thousand some word story in like an hour some minutes. Here it is. In true fanfic fashion (also because I need to write a braided essay for my creative writing class, and I shouldn't spend more time on this), I am not editing this.
Anyways, here it is:
F Rowling, Harry is Non Binary and Brown
Draco caught a glimpse of Potter’s pink Lehenga catching the early November breeze. “Potter” Draco Blurted before stopping himself. Draco’s face went warm as the Potter and the others turned to face him.
Why did he keep doing this to himself? He could have just let Potter be. He should walk away, and not interact with Potter and his posse of Gryffindor followers. But his eye’s caught Potter’s and suddenly he couldn’t move. He couldn’t look away from those dark eyes, the eyes that were so deep, they could have contained all of space.
He felt Crabbe nudge him, a smirk worn on his face. Draco’s heart sank. Why.
Draco took a breath before pasting his own smirk as he walked over to them. A group was gathered a few paces from the whomping willow. At the centre were Potter and the Patel twins, who both dawned on emerald salwar kameez. They were passing out a stack of sparklers, showing the other students how to use a Diya to light them. Draco longed to be part of that group, to be close to Potter, to learn about their culture.
But he couldn’t. Instead, he did the one thing he knew would get potter to notice him.
“If you were a real wizard, Potter you wouldn’t need those Candles,” Malfoy couldn’t keep himself from cringing as he spit out the retort, “to light those sparklers.”
“They’re not candles,” Hermiononie scoffed, “they’re Diyas, Malfoy. Get it right.”
“I wasn’t talking to you, mudblood.”
“Shut up Malfoy,” Potter’s expression was angry. And maybe a little hurt.
“Don’t bother Harry,” Weasley rolled his eyes as he stepped between Potter and Draco, “our uncultured friend is just scared of fire and cool traditions.”
“I’d rather die than wear a dress for any tradition,” Crabbe snickered, Goyle laughed with him.
The group tightened around Potter disgusted. Draco wanted to punch Crabbe in the face, scream to him that it wasn’t okay to say that. But he knew he couldn’t do that. Not if he wanted to be respected. Not if he wanted his family.
“ Wh-- What are your pronouns Potter?” Draco asked, genuinely curious.
Potter’s expression turned surprised, then weary. Draco’s face flushed again. He kicked the nearest diya and headed back into the castle, Crabbe and Goyle laughing behind him.
“Why did you ask for pronouns?” Goyle asked, “They’re not real.”
“So I could make fun of him of course,” Draco said with rehearsed nonchalance.
Crabbe and Goyle laughed again and Draco wished things were different.
He remembered the first time he saw Potter. It was a few years ago and they were both first-years gathering supplies at Diagon Ally. He wanted to talk to them, but Poter was with Hagrid and he knew if his father caught him associating with that giant, he would be doomed.
He saw Potter again while boarding the Hogwarts express, their brown skin glowing golden in the sunlight and the thin red scar painted across their forehead. Their unruly hair caught the breeze and Draco knew he needed to talk to them.
But Potter chose that Weasley boy over him. He didn’t even have a chance to talk to him before Potter shunned him, he didn’t even have the chance to catch their name. He knew him only as The Chosen One, and it was only later at the sorting ceremony that he realized their name was Potter. They were, to his great regret, not sorted into Slytherin.
He wanted to know Potter. Go to Hogsmead with them. But he knew he would never have the chance.
Hari shouldn’t be looking for Malfoy, but they couldn’t stop themselves.
What are your pronouns Potter?
Hari couldn’t stop thinking about it. Why would Malfoy care? Why would he want to know their pronouns?
It’s probably another excuse to make up some other retort.
But they couldn’t stop themselves. When everyone left the Diwali Celebration, Hari was restless to find Malfoy. They waited for Ron and Nevil to fall asleep before pulling out his Marauders Map, wishing Draco wasn’t in the Slytherin common room. Lucky for them, Malfoy seemed to be roaming around the school alone.
They sneaked out of Their dormitory with their invisibility cloak and left the Gryffindor common room, careful not to be spotted by Peeves. They were still in their lehenga. They hoped the clanking of bangles wouldn’t be too noticeable. They went downstairs and found Malfoy. His hair was messy, they noted. Draco’s hair was never messy.
Hari watched him. They just watched him, following invisibly. This Malfoy was more jittery yet somehow more relaxed, much unlike the boy who liked to tease everyone that didn’t worship him.
Hari took off his cloak, still silently following. “Malfoy,” he whispered, though in the silence, it was louder than Hari anticipated.
Draco jumped. “Ahhh-- Potter!” His hands shot to his silver hair in desperate attempts to smooth it down, “I wasn’t thinking about--” he stopped himself from finishing. Instead, his cruel snicker was back, pasted on his face, “Couldn’t sleep Potter? Scared nightmares would get you?”
Hari frowned, disappointed. They knew this was a terrible idea. Hari sighed. They started to turn around when--
“Wait--” Malfoy’s voice was urgent, “Wh-- what are your pronouns?”
There was a loud “Oooo” that Hari recognized as peeves. Hari couldn’t be caught. Not in the middle of the night. Especially not with Malfoy.
Hari threw the invisibility cloak around them and pulled Malfoy into it. “This way,” Hari grabbed his hand and lead him to behind one of the stairwells, one that did not move. Hari waited until they could no longer hear Peeves.
“I think we’re fine,” Draco said awkwardly.
Hari nodded. They were just starting to realize how close they were sanding to Malfoy. Malfoy eyes trailed down to their entangled fingers.
Hari cleared their throat, “Right, sorry,” they said quickly letting go and pulling off the cloak. They made sure to step a few feet away to put distance between them.
The two of them stood there awkwardly for a minute, not knowing what to say.
“You… asked me for my pronouns?” Hari said fidgeting with their Voni, “Why?”
Malfoy shrugged, “I was just curious. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“I didn’t think you’d…” Hari trailed off. They contemplated whether to come out to Draco. For all they knew, Draco could use it against them. But Hari already crossed that line when they took Draco’s hand. They studied Draco. He didn't seem mocking or belittling this time.
“They/Them,” Hari heald their breath.
Draco nodded, “Thanks Potter.”
“What about you? He/Him or..?”
“Yeah, I use He/Him. But I’ve been wanting to ask you yours.”
“No one ever does,” Hari said, “Thank you.”
“Of course.” There was a pause, “I’m sorry we started on the wrong foot. I wish-- I wish we could have been friends.” Draco’s pale face turned red, “not that I care of course.”
“Maybe we can go to Hogsmeade sometime?” Hari said. They immediately regretted it. Malfoy wouldn’t want to go to Hogsmead with them. This was all a terrible idea. Malfoy was going out them to the school and then make fun of them and it was going to be a terrible mess and---
“You’d want to go to Hogsmeade with me?” Draco said surprised, “Of course. I’d love to.”
“You would?”
“Yes! Yes, I would.”
Hari smiled. They stood there for a bit not knowing what to say.
“I-- I should get going before anyone catches us,” Hari said awkwardly. They were about to turn around when--
“Wait Potter,” Draco stopped them, “What’s your name?”
Hari didn’t know what to say. They were testing out the name “Hari.” It was not only gender-neutral but it also connected them to their Indian heritage. But they weren’t sure if they were ready to tell Malfoy that. Besides, they were pretty sure Malfoy didn’t know their dead name so that wasn’t an issue.
“For now,” Hari smiled, “call me Potter.”
So... Yeah.....
Until Next time,
Nitya :)