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Writer's picture: Nitya Nitya

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!! And because I missed it, Merry Christmas!!!

I'm truly sorry I haven't posted in a while, december has been a buy month and it has gone by way to quickly.

Anyways, 2018 has been a long year and it's about time we say goodbye.

Here are a few of my highlights of 2018

  • Reading wise this year has been great! I read a lot and very diversely as well. So many amazing books came out this year and many have become my all- time favourites!

  • I have found myself intrigued by europe(especially The UK.) and have developed a craving for classics, such as Latin, Greek, Celtic, etc. I am currently learning Latin and it is the best thing ever

  • I also fell in love with the TV series 'Doctor Who' and am one of the biggest 9-Rose/ 10-Rose shipper!

  • I participated in Camp NaNaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo for the first time, and I started to blog. I met so many great people during the Nano months that have help me out throughout my writing process.

  • Last but not least, I finally finished the first draft of my novel, The Kingdom Of Irdris, which I am actually really proud of but is still a mess. In general, I have grown so much as a writer and this journey has taught me so much about myself!

As 2019 has just arrived, here are my resolutions

For my Reading Resolution, I want to start reading book other than fantasy, for Fantasy, recently, has been all I've been reading, even though I really do also enjoy contemporary, historical fiction, and science fiction.

My writing resolution, I want to make the 2019 the year for my second draft, where I focus mainly on characters and world building, as my first draft was mainly for the plot.

Finally, my New Year's resolution will be to enjoy life and not limiting myself. Also, another resolution is to blog more often than I have been.

2019 is here and we say our last goodbyes to 2018. I hope you guys have a phenomenal and fantastic year!

Until next time,

Nitya :)



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