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Blog Revamp!

Writer's picture: Nitya Nitya

Hello Dear reader,

As you have probably noticed, this blog... doesn't look the same. What you might have known looks something like this (this was the mobile version because I couldn't be bothered):

Now you might ask, "Nitya, why did you change up a perfectly good layout into something equally as mediocre?" and to that, I say, Why not.

Actually, the main reason is that I saw a really cool website that apparently uses wixsite, and I thought the layout was cool and wanted to try it out. Did I succeed? eh. Do I care? eh.

But actually, jokes aside, I've been wanting to redesign for a while. You see, when I started the blog, I had a different goal in mind. I was going to post every week, it was going to be quite formal, and it was sort of a high effort thing. A bit later, I stopped doing that. And now, it's a random place to dump my thoughts, no formality practised.

My tastes changed over time and I started digital art, which means I now add the stars background to basically everything, and that meant basic stock photo bookshelf had to go.

Also, I used to look up to J.K. Rowling. She was my hero. I got inspiration from her story. Wellp, after her numerous tweets and long letters and transphobia, I can no longer ignore her racist and homophobic views, and I no longer support her. And so, the quote on my home page had to go.

I also hated the "for those who seek creation" slogan on the home page, which I've never liked and have been meaning to change, but couldn't think of what to change it to. I don't like the one I have now, but still, the old slogan had to go.

This new design reflects my tastes and personality a lot better than the old one. Now does this mean I'll be more active? No, probably not. It'll still be the ghost blog I update when inspiration or chaos strikes, and it will still be as low effort as this current post you're reading. But hey, it looks cooler!(sort of)

Anyways, I hope you're having a wonderful day! I have a few blog posts I have planned that may or may not come to fruition, but who knows!

Anyways, Stay cool in this summer heat everyone!

-Nitya :)



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