Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my new(ish) Blog! This is a space where I'll be sharing writing updates, book reviews, and excerpts! I'm looking forward to hopefully restarting this and (hopefully) being more active on here!
I am Nitya Budamagunta, and I am a BFA creative writing student at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. I am also the Nonfiction editor of Atlantis Creative Magazine (which, not biased at all, is a fantastic magazine!). I write primarily in the fantasy genre, and I try to write for an intersectional Asian and Queer audience. I'm also very experimental in terms of form, types of stoirs, and scale. My current big project is a short story collection that takes elements Indian mythology and folk stories and uses them to utilize modern conversations.
When I'm not writing, you can find me obsessing over Doctor Who(seriously, I even did academic research on it); fangirling over V.E. Schwab, R.F.Kuang, and Roshani Chokshi; and making jewelry(my entire real life personality is person that makes earrings).

If you have been following this space previously, you might have noticed that the theme, which previously looked like the image above, is now changed. I originally created this blog after my first camp NaNoWriMo along with a few of my cabin mates. It was called "The Kingdom of Books," and it remained that way until just recently. Being in school for creative writing, and looking into publishing and work opportunities, I have been wanting a more professional space for my website. Hence, it has been rebranded to "Nitya's Novel Nook" (I'm a junkie for alliteration), and the link to my website is https://bvnitya.wixsite.com/novelnook.
On this website, you can find my literary portfolio, current projects, and my usual ramblings about Doctor Who, Books, and other topics that catch my fancy. I hope you stay tuned!
NaNoWriMo 2022

Since this is the month of November, I will be participating in NaNoWriMo! Except I'm not going to do it the normal way. I've had a rough relationship with the 50k-in-a-month challenge, and it's not for me. Instead, I'll be doing it this way:
Every day, I'll be doing one of these three things:
a) Write for an hour
b) Edit for an hour
c) Submit my work to a magazine
This lets me be flexible with my very busy school schedule and still be writing everyday(and not to mention, I'll be a part of all the other insane writers. So, no fomo!). I'm excited! I think it'll work-- At least I hope it does!

Anyways, thanks for sticking around! I;m also working on customizing my keyboard to me writer friendly (no it's actually kinda dumb because I'll have to relearn it), and I'll keep you updated as to hoe that goes!
Hope you guys have a great autmn, and I'll catch you next time!
Happy Writing,
Nitya :)