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Writer's picture: Nitya Nitya

Hey guys!

So as you might know, I am currently participating in NaNoWriMo... and guess who fell behind....

See the problem for me was, well first there was school and too more than enough homework, then there were distractions from the internet and youtube, and most of the time, sitting in front of my computer and just not writing anything.

I am currently writing a high fantasy novel about survivors of a warring kingdom. Recently, I have been either struggling to either make time for writing, or slacking off when I actually have time for writing, which doesn't exactly help your word count. But I've also learned a few ways to motivate myself to write and I would like to share them in case there are others struggling with the same thing as I. These tricks are really helping me catch up, and I hope they help you too!

1) Divide up your word count

When your trying to write continuously for four hours strait, it's bound to get a bit boring. Instead, divide up your time... Maybe write right after you come back from school, then do your homework, then right again, then do something else, maybe watch a bit of netflix or youtube, and then write again before you sleep. This way in my opinion is more productive because you will be starting each writing session with a clear head and you are going to just be writing the story... rather than writing to hit the word count.

2) Nano Sprints

Nano Sprints in my opinion is a great way to reach a word count. It's more or less similar to word grinding with a friend, except with a computer. I usually set the timer anywhere between 20-30 minutes and take a short 3-5 minute break in between of each sprint. This in my opinion helps avoid distractions because you train your mind to think you are only writing for a short period of time, but end up writing more than you would have if you just sat and stared blankly at the screen.

3) Write when you feel motivated.

It's not easy to write when you don't want to, but it is when you have just come up with a bright idea or have a great spur of motivation. This might not always work, for you might be in the middle of a class, or somewhere where it isn't possible to sit down and write, but whenever it is possible, get your word count in when you feel like it, even if that means in between of classes, or lunch break. Also, don't be afraid to go above our word count, it's better than being below.

4) Get 'into character' before writing.

This one is a quiet a recent one on my list and it has proven to be quiet a lifesaver. Basically what I mean is that before you write, look over where you left off, and think about what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen. Put yourself into the world you are writing and into the characters' heads. This will save you a lot of time of being stuck and will help you avoid writer's block. Also quick tip for my pantsers out there (those who don't plan what they write... including me), I know it is exciting to write where the characters take you, but make sure you know how the chapter's going to sort of end. It will save you time.

5) Don't stress out!!!

As I've said in my previous post, don't stress out about writing. It is something you should enjoy, something free willed and it can't be forced. Try setting time for writing everyday, if it doesn't work, don't lose your sleep over it... there are always other chances. Besides, you don't need NaNoWriMo to write a novel and everyone writes at different paces. If you don't finish by the end of the month... that's totally fine. you can alway write in December, or January, or February, and so on!

I don't know about you guys, but I am definitely behind on my word count, but these things are really helping me climb up. I hope they help you too.

I'm going to leave you guys with the Synopsis of the book I'm writing....

Kingdom.... Attacked. Destroyed.

Escapees.... Five Friends

Are there more? Who can they trust? Where will they go?

When Risa Rosewalker comes home from her schooling at Griffin's Claw Academy, she was expecting a quiet life with her family, hopes to join the nation's politics, and wants to be a normal sixteen- year- old and goof off with her friends. But all that turns upside down when her home, Irdris, is attacked and destroyed by the kingdom of Demin.

After watching their childhood home being burnt down by their enemies, Risa and her childhood best friends escape with one goal in mind: find out what happened to their parents and reunite their families, the only thing that keeps them doing. But when times get hard, they are bound to wonder... Will they succeed their hopeless quest?

Until next time,



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